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围棋英语为什么是go(Why is English for Go called “Go“ in the world of Go?)

时间:2024-01-12 08:34:09阅读:

围棋英语为什么是go(Why is English for Go called "Go" in the world of Go?) is a topic that explores the reason behind the choice of the English word "Go" to represent the ancient Chinese board game of Go. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the origins and significance of the term "Go" in the context of the game. By delving into various aspects, we can unravel the historical and cultural factors that led to the adoption of this particular English translation.

1. Historical Origins

The choice of "Go" as the English term for the game can be traced back to the early 20th century when the game first gained popularity outside of East Asia. During this period, Japan played a pivotal role in introducing and popularizing Go internationally. Japanese players and scholars, who were at the forefront of promoting the game, used the term "Go" to refer to the game in their English publications. This early influence of Japanese players contributed significantly to the widespread adoption of the term.

Furthermore, the term "Go" itself has its roots in the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese character "囲碁" (igo), which means "encircling game." The pronunciation "go" became the standard way to refer to the game in English, as it was the most commonly used by Japanese players and scholars. This linguistic connection between the Chinese character and its Japanese pronunciation played a crucial role in establishing "Go" as the English name for the game.

2. Simplicity and Universality

The choice of the word "Go" is also influenced by its simplicity and universality. Unlike other potential translations, such as "Weiqi" (the Chinese term for the game), "Go" is a short, one-syllable word that is easy to pronounce and remember. This simplicity makes it accessible to a wide range of players, regardless of their linguistic backgrounds. Additionally, the word "Go" is already familiar to English speakers as a common verb, which adds to its universal appeal.

3. International Standardization

Another factor that contributed to the adoption of "Go" as the English term is the need for international standardization in the game. As Go gained popularity worldwide, it became essential to have a consistent and universally recognized name for the game. The term "Go" emerged as the most widely accepted translation, as it was already used by various Go organizations, tournaments, and publications across different countries. This standardization helped to establish "Go" as the de facto English name for the game.

4. Cultural Influence

The cultural influence of Japan and East Asia also played a significant role in the choice of "Go" as the English term. Go has a long and rich history in East Asian countries, particularly in China, Japan, and Korea. The cultural exchange and influence between these countries and the rest of the world led to the adoption of various East Asian terms and concepts in different fields, including Go. The use of "Go" in the English language reflects the cultural heritage and global impact of the game.


In conclusion, the term "Go" was chosen as the English translation for the game of Go due to its historical origins, simplicity, universality, international standardization, and cultural influence. The early influence of Japanese players, the linguistic connection between the Chinese character and its Japanese pronunciation, and the need for international standardization all contributed to the widespread adoption of "Go" as the English name for the game. The term "Go" has since become deeply ingrained in the global Go community, representing the ancient and captivating world of this strategic board game.
